Monday, January 10, 2011

Muslim Halal Food Sales Supporting Terrorism?

Paris :  Halal food, food prepared according to Islamic sharia law, is becoming an increasing part of the Western diet and has become a multi-billion dollar global industry.
But CBN News has discovered that some of that money is funneled to groups tied to terrorism.

So what's the big deal about halal food? To some Frenchmen who are seeing the growing Islamization of their country, it's a very big deal.
Islam is introducing sharia into our society and that's not clear for people, Alain Wagner, a French activist with the Alliance Against Sharia, said. When you see halal food in shops you think, 'Oh, it's just a kind of food.' No. it's sharia. 
According to some experts, a portion of the proceeds from halal food sales in France go to groups tied to terrorism.

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