Tuesday, January 11, 2011

UK The Epicenter Of World Wide Islamic Terror

Some 4-1/2years ago, Melanie Phillups published a book called Londonistan, an expose about the way in which, astoundingly, Britain had become the most important center, outside the Islamic world itself, for the production and export of Islamic terrorism.

Worse yet, even after the 9/11 attacks and the 7/7 London Tube and bus bombings, the British political, legal and security establishments were still refusing to get to grips with the threat posed to Britain by militant Muslims who wanted to conquer it for Islam.

Given the terrifying nature of what she wrote in that book, the fact is that, ever since it was published, a steady stream of revelations has proved that she was absolutely right.

Taimour Abdulwahab Al-Abdaly, who blew himself up in a terrorist attack in Stockholm, was yet another radicalised British Muslim university graduate. He was but the latest in an unremitting procession of British Muslims who have committed terrorist attacks in other countries. And many have been educated to a high level in Britain.


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